Tuesday, August 25, 2009



BABY MOSES, tucked away in his cradle, floating on the water, {cried}. Was it God's will, or the baby's will?

It was a cry that originated in heaven. The king's daughter was attracted. The child's life was spared. He entered a palace and eventually became the greatest leader of men this world has ever known. He was entrusted with the commandments; he talked with God on the mountain top.

Is any adopted son of God restless or over-anxious? Then let him think of this minute event and its consequences, and let him watch for the Divine Hand in even life's smallest events.

Here lies peace. John the Baptist arrived exactly on time to behold the Lamb of God, and be labeled the greatest of all men born among women. Saul was at the right spot when our Lord Jesus visited him.

All is of God. Life's minutest circumstances are under His control. Therefore, be anxious for nothing. He knows. He loves. He cares. One Captain is competent enough for any ship. We are all only passengers.

"He worketh all things"—absolutely all things, without any exceptions—"after the counsel of his own will." Eph. 1:11


Thursday, August 20, 2009



. You may rejoice to think yourselves secure;
You may be grateful for the gift divine -
That grace unsought, which made your black hearts pure,
And fits your earth-born souls in Heaven to shine.
But, is it sweet to look around, and view
Thousands excluded from that happiness
Which they deserve at least as much as you -
Their faults not greater, nor their virtues less?
And, wherefore should you love your God the more,
Because to you alone His smiles are given;
Because He chose to pass the many o'er,
And only bring the favoured few to Heaven?
And, wherefore should your hearts more grateful prove,
Because for ALL the Saviour did not die?
Is yours the God of justice and of love?
And are your bosoms warm with charity?
Say, does your heart expand to all mankind?
And, would you ever to your neighbour do -
The weak, the strong, the enlightened, and the blind -
As you would have your neighbour do to you?
And, when you, looking on your fellow-men,
Behold them doomed to endless misery,
How can you talk of joy and rapture then?-
May God withhold such cruel joy from me!
That none deserve eternal bliss I know;
Unmerited the grace in mercy given;
But none shall sink to everlasting woe,
That have not well deserved the wrath of Heaven.
And oh! there lives within my heart
A hope, long nursed by me;
(And should its cheering ray depart,
How dark my soul would be!)
That as in Adam all have died,
In Christ shall all men live;
And ever round His throne abide,
Eternal praise to give.
That even the wicked shall at last
Be fitted for the skies;
And when their dreadful doom is past,
To life and light arise.
I ask not how remote the day,
Nor what the sinners' woe,
Before their dross is purged away;
Enough for me, to know
That when the cup of wrath is drained,
The metal purified,
They'll cling to what they once disdained,
And live by Him that died.

"For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."



Tuesday, August 18, 2009



Jesus Never Said That

When did you let
Your religion consume your humanity
I heard you call it
Jesus never did that.
He never sold out to the rules of men
That's why they crucified Him.
His crown of thorns awarded Him
By the Keepers of the "Same"
There's nothing in a name
When the person named cannot be seen
In it.

When did your rules
Become his words in your mind
Devoid of true humanity
I heard you call it
Jesus never did that
He never let them hem Him in
That's why they couldn't handle Him
Hangin out with "them"

Pay for the pews
With the bad news
That everyone else is going to burn
Jesus never said that
You did not listen well
He only threatened
The Pharisees with hell
He put the fire of His truth
Upon the ruthless religious leaders
He punished them
Before all men
With parables

His words were jewels
Good News
For the poor, the oppressed, the afflicted
How beautiful the feet of them
that set the captives
Love is the law of God you see
Service is the call of God so be
A friend of God
Who so loved the world
He sent His only Son
To share His life with everyone

That's what Jesus did
Died for "them"
And when His suffering was through
Cried out, "Father forgive "them"
They don't know what they do
He even died for you
When did you let your religion
Consume your humanity
I heard you call it
Jesus never did that

"let the one with ears to hear ……….

