I have lived in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for better than twenty years. Almost every one that has heard of our area knows it is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It seems however, I very rarely see the beauty of the area any more as my attention has become so focused in these last few years on nurturing the indwelling Spirit of Christ in men. I desire to know no man by the flesh, but to see all men as subjects of God's all encompassing love through His Son Jesus Christ.
Christ introduced Himself to me thirty five years ago and ever more so with each year ,He has drawn me more fully into Himself and His Kingdom. I write and speak a lot now days about being freed from the traditions of men and the organized church. I truly believe the clarion call has gone out over the land to those with ears to hear, to come out of the harlot church systems which have been corrupted by the vain philosophies of men and the riches of the world.
We (others also share this ministry) share a lot within the framework of these four subject headings:
Universal Reconciliation
God's Sovereignty
Salvation to the Utmost/Sonship
The Kingdom Within
All of these subjects speak to the enormity of God's gift through His Son Jesus Christ. God has a sovereign purpose and plan that never varies or departs from the most minute pre-ordained detail. Jesus died that all men would be saved each in his own order and we believe His perfecting work takes place on both sides of the grave. Salvation is a progressive work of God through Christ where man in His perfected state is saved in spirit, soul and body with Christ being All in All.
Any infinite Being who feels it is their duty to torture me for eternity, should switch to decaf. Joe *************************************** As a tot I was given the usual terrifying mixed message: a) God is love; and b) If you don't believe how much he loves you, you will stand in the corner for eternity. - James Lileks **************************************** Everyday people are straying away from the church and going back to God. -- Lennie Bruce **************************************** "He took responsibility for all the evils that have befallen man that day He gave His life. This has never been adequately appreciated by religion. It needs to be appreciated." (Roy) **************************************** "Isn't that what man always wants- a divine force he can control? That's actually the definition of witchcraft." (Florian) **************************************** "Christianity is not about polyester and pot roast. It's about Christ and what He's doing in you and me at the moment." (Holly) **************************************** "It's his life for ours. We die, he lives, and then the mystery is that we live again." (Joian) **************************************** "God's Spirit, is a pure motive" (Cardinal) **************************************** "I would rather train twenty men to pray, than a thousand to preach. A minister's highest mission ought to be to teach his people to pray." (H. MacGregor) **************************************** Pretty soon, everybody will get what they deserve, which is Salvation, Reconciliation, Restitution, Restoration, Immortality and Incorruption - now ain't that the coolest thing! (Keith) **************************************** The bible is not an owners manual and trying to apply it to our lives reeks of salvation by works. (Cam) **************************************** I live all the daytime In faith and in might And in holy rapture I die every night (Novalis) ***************************************^ Where shall we find an abandonment that is as comprehensive as the will of God. (Fenelon) **************************************** He wanted no one but God to witness what he did, just as the only reward he expected was God Himself.(description of Bro. Lawrence) **************************************** The humility of the cross became more desirable to him than all the glory the world had to offer. (description of Bro. Lawrence) **************************************** Prayer is helplessness casting itself upon power; it is misery seeking peace; it is unholiness embracing purity; it is hatred desiring love. Prayer is corruption panting for immortality; it is the eagle soaring heavenward; it is the dove returning home; it is the prisoner pleading for release; it is the mariner steering for the haven amid the dangerous storm; it is the soul, oppressed by the world, escaping to the empyrean, and bathing its ruffled plumes in the ethereal and the divine.(unknown)