Anyhow, one morning the solider goes to work and finds that he's been assigned that day to a detail that is supposed to oversee the execution of three convicted insurgents. The solider shakes his head. He didn't sign up for this. His life just totally sucks. "They don't pay me enough," he thinks, "for the shit I have to do.
"He doesn't know he's going to be executing the Son of God that day. He's just going to work, punching the time clock, keeping his head down. He's just trying to stay alive, get through the day, and send some money back home to Rome.
And this is why, I think, Jesus prays, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
"Few of us do.
(copied from R. Beck's blog http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2011/06/tales-of-demonic.html )
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